Drought Tolerant Plants

( list of Perennials, Trees & Shrubs and Annuals )

Drought Tolerant Plant List http://mysoulfulhome.com

Drought Tolerant Plant List http://mysoulfulhome.com

Perennials for Dry Shade

Wood aster (Aster Divaricatus)

Sweet woodruff (Galium Odoratum)

Geranium (Geranium Macrorrhizum)

Hellebore (Helleborus)

Turf-lily (Liriope)

Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum)

Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla Mollis) 


Perennials for Sunny Dry Conditions

Yarrow (Achillea)

Anise-hyssop (Agastache)

Ornamental onions (Allium)

Sea thrift (Armeria)

Butterfly weed (Asclepias)

Calamint (Calamintha)

Coreopsis (Coreopsis)

Sea-kale (Crambe)

Pinks (Dianthus)

Coneflower (Echinacea)

Globe Thistle (Echinops)

Sea Holly (Eryngium)

Smokebush (Cotinus)

Spurge (Euphorbia)

Butterfly bush (Buddleja)

Hardy Geranium (Geranium Sanguineum)

Switch Grass (Panicum)

Mexican Feather Grass (Stipa)

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum)

Candytuft (Iberis)

Bearded Iris (Iris)

Torch lily (Kniphofia)

Lavender (Lavandula)

Catmint (Nepeta)

Sundrop (Oenothera)

Oregano (Origanum)

Penstemon (Penstemon)

Russian Sage (Perovsika)

Ballon Flower (Platycodon)

Ornamental Sage (Salvia)

Cotton Lavender (Santolina)

Stonecrop (Sedum)

Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum)

Goldenrod (Solidago)

Lamb’s Ears (Stachys)

Southern Lupine (Thermopsis)


Trees and Shrubs for Dry Conditions

Serviceberry (Amelanchier)

Fringe tree (Chionanthus)

Smokebush (Cotinus)

Butterfly bush (Buddleja)

Rugosa rose (Rosa Rugosa)

Mock-orange (Philadelphus)

Ninebark (Physocarpus)

Beautybush (Kolkwitzia)

Cornelian-cherry (Cornus Mas) 

American holly (Ilex Opaca)

White pine (Pinus Strobus)


Annuals for Sunny Dry Conditions

African daisy (Osteospermum)

Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia)

Cosmos (Cosmos)
Flowering Tobacco (Nicotiana)

Gazania (Gazania)

Geranium (Pelargonium)

Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena)

Lantana (Lantana)

Marigold (Tagates)

Verbena (Verbena)

Zinnia (Zinnia)

Read here on how to care for and encourage plants to be drought tolerant.

** Kelly **