My Soulful Home

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Can't Contain Myself - a container garden

You ever been bone tired?The kind of tired when it feels kinda good to be so.  Tired, like you earned the rest you will get at the end of the day...tubtableI imagine this is the way farmers or Olympic athletes feel nightly. Don't you think?Well, I am that kind of tired tonight because I dug big holes, transplanted a very large camilla bush (pretty much a tree), weeded, amended soil and made a new pretty spot in my garden. I can't contain myself, must share with you the pretty spot before I nod off!


It is a new container garden in an old enamelware tub.  I used my favorite flower color combo white, yellow & purple. And yes, I planted this container garden using the three secrets ~ banana peel, egg shells & coffee grinds.  ( read here if you have no idea what I am talking about & are thinking I am more than just tired! )


For this container garden I selected these plants:

  • 1 Angelonia 'Archangel White'; 
  • 1 Angelonia 'Serena Purple;
  • 3 Coreopsis 'Pineapple Pie';
  • 8 Silverdust 'Dusty Miller';
  • 8 Sweet Alysum;
  • 6 Marigolds

The Coreopsis Pineapple Pie is new to me.  I love it's rusty center & happy look.


These plants aside from the variety of colors, have textural differences that make the container garden interesting. What they do have in common is a love of the sun and the same water needs.  Having those two things in common is essential for a healthy container garden.  When you are choosing plants to fill a container read the labels or ask at your local nursery ( you are more than welcome to ask me too! ) to find out if the plants will happily co-exist in the spot you want to place the container garden.


I will be happy to see what I accomplished when I wake up, but right now all I want to do is hit the hay. (big yawn...)Goodnight my friends,** Kelly **Linking up at Mod Mix Monday @ Mod Vintage Life & Shabby Art Boutique