Create Wallpaper Panels


Creating Wallpaper Panels...Wallpaper panels living room

So you want it, but not so much of it.

You are ready to commit, but maybe not for that long.

Concerned your colors and taste might change soon.

No worries, you can still have wallpaper!

Simply slip it into some wallpaper panels and you have it, but not the long term, expensive commitment.

I created wallpaper panels for our last house and hung them in the narrow hallway off the entry.

Yesterday I simply switched out the wallpaper to suit my new home and hung the panels in awkward corner in the living room.

Wallpaper panels grey roses

They look fabulous to me.  What do you think?

Creating wallpaper panels is so easy to do.

Wallpaper panels framed

Have a local frame shop or even Joanne's create long frames using light weight plexiglass and moveable tabs on the back.

Make the width of your frame or frames 27 inches if you are using American wallpaper and 21 if you choose a European paper.

Might be best to choose the paper first then have the frames made to size.

Wallpaper panel tutorial

As you can see, the color palette of my last house & this house are markedly different.  

No problem as the frame I initially choose goes well with these & pretty much any paper I might choose in the future.

The wallpaper is the star of the panels so I suggest you choose a simple, narrow frame.

Wallpaper panels London Rose

To swap out the wallpaper, I simply flipped over the panels, loosened the tabs with a screwdriver, removed the 2 layers of foam board and the original wallpaper.  

Then I aligned the two frames so the repeat of the wallpaper print was in the same spot on each.  Cut to the length and slid in the new paper.  Tightened back up the tabs and they were ready to hang.  

White floral vignette

My panels are 27" wide and 60" long with a 1" wide frame.  Perfectly sized for the House of Hackney London Rose wallpaper I chose.

I talk about my love of wallpaper panels in this episode of Decorating Tips & Tricks too.  You can listen by clicking the arrow.

The wallpaper panels make such a lovely backdrop for the Bergere chair & Florentine nesting tables.  

You can learn all about bergere chairs & Florentine tables by clicking HERE & HERE.

Wallpaper panel collage

If you are contemplating adding wallpaper to your home, but the commitment & expense are holding you back or you simply want dramatic and versatile wall art, try wallpaper panels.

Do you have wallpaper in your home now?

** Kelly **


A Simple Fall Wreath ~ an honor and feathers


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