Embellished Tea Bags - Mother's Day Gift


Necessary, practical, useful...

Not the words that come to mind when I think ~ Mother's Day Gift.

More like luxury, beautiful, whimsical.

Add the words, sweet, handmade & thoughtful and it sums up the project I am sharing with you today.

Embellished tea bags mothers day gift http://mysoulfulhome.com

Embellished Tea bags 

Nobody needs embellished tea bags, but that is what makes gifts like these so special!

Taking the time to say I love you in a way a pair of slipper never can.

If you already bought your mom slippers don't get me wrong, slippers are a great gift and you still have time to make my project too! 

Making Embellished Tea bags is easy and open to all sorts of creative interpretation. Love that in a project!

Embellished tea bags mothers day gift http://mysoulfulhome.com

What you need to make tea bags like mine:

  • 6 tea bags with strings & labels
  • decorative paper ~ adhesive or not
  • an old book
  • paper flowers
  • 1 medium & several small buttons or beads
  • a jar
  • ribbon, floss or twine
  • glue

Embellished tea bags mothers day gift http://mysoulfulhome.com

What you need to do:

  • cut the decorative paper & glue or adhere to both sides of the tea bag label
  • cut small flowers from the old book pages
  • glue paper flowers to label
  • glue book flower on top of paper flower
  • glue a small button or bead in the center
  • let dry - curl up edges of the book flower
  • for variety, mix up the patterns & make some with hearts
  • place tea bags in a jar & tie some ribbon around the top
  • make a small tag using the decorative paper & a button
  • return the slippers ( I am just KIDDING! )

Embellished tea bags mothers day gift http://mysoulfulhome.com

The adhesive paper & flowers I picked up at Michael's and had all the rest in my stash.

Grabbed a box of Earl Grey at the market & I was ready to get my crafty on!  Love the bergamot scent of Earl Grey, don't you?

Can you guess the book I pulled the pages from?

Embellished tea bags mothers day gift http://mysoulfulhome.com

That was fun & easy, right? Sweet, handmade, thoughtful, a luxury, beautiful & whimsical ~ just as it should be!

Embellished tea bags mothers day gift http://mysoulfulhome.com

 Oh and, tell your mom, she can cut off the embellishment after steeping & re-use for another project!!

Embellished tea bags mothers day gift http://mysoulfulhome.com

Let's raise our cups & toast to all the Moms out there ~ on earth, in heaven & forever in our hearts. 

xx Kelly xx

p.s. If your mom is a coffee drinker get her a French Press - here is how to use one!


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