Fall Decor with Apples - 10 Minute Decorating
You have heard "one potato, two..."
Fall around here is more like "one apple, two apples, three apples, four - that's my fall decor".
At least the start of it.
I begin fall decor with apples.
It is time again for a Ten Minute Decorating post.
You don't have to time me to know it takes 10 minutes or less to scatter, ok, artfully place, a bag of apples around your house.
Here you have it in 10 Minute or less...
A few in the kitchen hutch.
Three on a stack of books.
One with a green hydrangea.
And so it goes...
Fall Decor with Apples
You are at the market anyway, so pick up a bag of shiny apples for your fall decor.
I do examine each one for dents, bruises & a nicely turned stem.
I do like a nice stem. Crazy lady ~ digging thru the apple display for perfectly stemmed fruits.
I hear the cries of my kids & feel the stare of the produce arranger. "Mooooom...come on...." and "UGH ~ her again".
Undeterred I dig & get the best of the crop!
Whatever! My apples have a higher purpose than a lunch sack. They are going to usher in fall in my decor.
Later, when the apples are just pre passing prime, I cut them up for Emmett. He loves apples in his bowl.
For now my apples are tucked in, perched and centerstage in a few vignettes.
About 6 minutes after washing & peeling off those silly stickers (huge savings produce peeps if you cut out the stickers) I have welcomed fall to my house.
I even have a painting of green apples I pull out and add to the mix of summer meets fall at My Soulful Home.
In the entry right now ~ starfish & the apple painting ~ early fall mash up.
Join me in in searching for perfectly stemmed apples.
But before you head off to the market, visit my fast & fabulous decorating friends and see how they welcome fall to their homes.
** Kelly **