Give Away ~ from me to you


My cup runneth over & I want to give it to you...

vintage cup

 I found this darling vintage cup with charming crazing at the last estate sale I hit.

Had it in my hand & thought "put it down ~ you don't do blue"…. then I thought of you!

vintage cup

Just a little something special to say thank you for coming here, commenting, asking questions and making My Soulful Home so much fun for me.

vintage cup

To enter to win the cup all you need to do is visit my projects, garden & recipe pages and pick one that you like the best.  

Click on the top navigation to get to any or all of these categories and have a look around.

vintage cup

Hoping to get your feedback for a gallery page I am creating.  

I know my favorites, but it would really be better to know your favorites.

vintage cup

So have a look around & leave me a comment with your favorite project, garden post or recipe.  

Leaving a comment with your favorite will enter you to win the cup and give me some direction in creating the gallery page.

vintage cup

Winner of the give away will be contacted by email next Monday.

Vintage cup

Thank you so much for your help & for being part of My Soulful Home! 

xx Kelly xx



Dividing Plants - 101


Looking Forward ~ Holding On