What Inspires Me & You?


What inspires me in life is...Success against the odds.The unexpected hero, like the little train that could...DIY dresser makeoverIn the home, I am inspired by DIY before & afters, like the one above, smart re-purposes and clever uses of small spaces, like below.Screen Shot 2014-03-19 at 5.43.00 PMIn the garden, I find inspiration everywhere, but this roadside garden sent my inspiration barometer soaring!side of the road gardenTalk about against the odds...side of the road gardenI was driving through not a great part of LA to check out a granite yard for a client & had to pull over when I saw this.side of the road gardenRight off the side of the freeway a veggie garden being tended. ( look across the street to get a sense of where this garden is thriving )side of the road gardenAnyone who gardens knows growing your own flowers, plants & food can be challenging - oh so rewarding -  but challenging.side of the road gardenGrowing your own in this spot in the shadow of the freeway with no irrigation might be the ultimate gardening challenge.It is an inspiring oasis.Inspiration is a wonderful thing.  It bouys the spirits, sets the mind working and is sometimes just the magic seed needed to make things happen.starwberryWe will be planting a bigger vegetable & fruit garden this year.  In part due to my having stumbled upon this urban oasis.What inspires you?** Kelly **    


Whole Orange Bundt Cake - dense, moist & delicious


Grilled Chicken over Spring Greens & a link party