My Soulful Home

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How to Make a Burlap Shelf

Shelves are so practical & useful, but there comes a time when a shelf needs to be even more. Is that asking too much?  I don't think so...

how to make a burlap shelf/

Sometimes a shelf can't just sit there.  It needs to make a bit of a statement, add a little character.I needed such a shelf to use with two buttery yellow, aged corbels brimming with patina that I found in a little shop in Georgia.  A wall flower shelf would not to make a burlap shelf/www.mysoulfulhome.comThe corbels & shelf would sit over my "decorative" shower entry in the 1st floor bathroom.  No one uses this shower as it is right off the kitchen so it is decorative.  See...How to make a burlap shelf / www.mysoulfulhome.comThe corbels & shelf set high would balance with the tall mirror.  Small room ~big mirror ~ LOVE that!How to make a burlap shelf/www.mysoulfulhome.comAnd play off the other vintage pieces in the room, like the wall of plates & little to make a burlap shelf/www.mysoulfulhome.comI adore this little stove…as I was buying it an elderly woman told me about how her grandma had one just like it and that all the grandkids would gather around it while her grandma told them stories.  I mean really, you don't get that sort of interaction shopping at the mall. Ok, back to the shelf….How to make a burlap shelf/www.mysoulfulhome.comSo yes, this could not just be any shelf…it had to have character & texture to work with the corbels.  So I came up with the idea for a burlap covered shelf with nail heads at the ends.How to make a burlap shelf / www.mysoulfulhome.comI bet you could use a shelf with some character too so here's how to make one:how to make a burlap shelf/www.mysoulfulhome.comSupplies:

  • a plank of wood
  • piece of burlap big enough to wrap around the plank with an inch to spare on both ends
  • glue
  • nail heads
  • a hammer
  • scissor
  • masking tape


  • Lay out burlap flat
  • Spread glue on plank with your finger evenly

How to make a burlap shelf/

  • turn plank over, glue side down on burlap with about 1 inch overlay
  • make sure the burlap is smooth ~ let dry
  • spread glue on edge of plank, fold up the overlay of burlap to cover the edge
  • secure the burlap over the edge temporarily with masking tape until dry

how to make a burlap shelf/

  • once dry remove the tape
  • spread glue evenly over the other edge & side of the plank
  • wrap burlap around the plank
  • make sure the burlap is smooth ~ let dry
  • spread glue on the back edge of the plank and secure burlap
  • cut any excess off the long side
  • Once your plank is wrapped in burlap & dry you can work on the short ends

How to make a burlap shelf/

  • finish off the ends like you would wrapping a present, tucking in the ends toward the center to create two flaps
  • fold the bottom flap up & glue in place ~ let dry
  • fold the top flap down & glue into place ~ let dry
  • hammer in the nail heads along the edge to secure & add character

How to make a burlap shelf/www.mysoulfulhome.comBasically you are wrapping the plank in burlap and securing with glue & nails.  Simple, but makes a statement ~ adds a bit of character.Oh, and to complete the look ~ "vignette" the shelf of course. That is the really fun part!

How to make a burlap shelf/

What little tricks do you have for adding character to ordinary things?Happy Monday!** Kelly **