Marmalade Skies - a rose, a joy!

"Picture yourself on a boat on a river with tangerine trees & marmalade skies..."

Better yet,  picture yourself in my house looking out at Marmalade Skies.  This is what you would see...roseoutsideMy 'Marmalade Skies' standard rose.Each time I look out my front window & see these blooms I feel a burst of joy, so I wanted to share that joy with you!rose closeup1These roses give me a joyous feeling, not only because of their striking color & beauty, but because the plant started with me as a forgotten "clearance" rose.I found it on a hotter than hot day, stuck behind straggly looking iceberg roses.  It was limp, yellowed & forlorn, but the tag held the promise of "everblooming tangerine orange roses".  Ever the optimist, orange lover & bargain hunter I scored this standard rose for $15.rosecloseup3I planted it right in front of my dining room window.  Risky, based on the look of it then.This plant needed all the help it could get, so I dug a deep hole, back filled it with organic compost, dug  again and filled the hole with water.  Once drained, I added my three secrets.The yellow leaves all fell off.  For awhile it looked like a rose bush that Charlie Brown would buy.  Then one morning I saw a bud, and another & another!rose closeup2True to the promise on the tag, it hasn't stopped blooming since!Marmalade Skies, a 2001 AARS award winner, is a floribunda rose which grows in a compact bush or as a standard.  It is a blooming machine that will even tolerate partial shade.  (This is the condition at my house.)  Read here for additional information.rose clusterYou can enjoy the beauty of a Marmalade Skies rose by ordering a bare root plant from Regan Nursery.What is your favorite color rose?** Kelly **p.s. I just love this rose and wanted to share.  I have received no compensation for this post.  Joy is enough reward!Linking up at Stone Gable Blog  


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