Not a DIY


We can't DIY everything.

Can't DIY ...

a hug 

spotting a smile in a crowded room

words of encouragement

the way it feels to be understood

shared laughter.

We can't DIY friendship.


We are strong alone, but powerful together.

We are brave alone, but fearless together.

We are smart alone, but brilliant together.

Linen heart sachets

My mind turned to these thoughts as I spent the weekend with masterful DIY bloggers at the Haven conference.  

Ironic maybe...

There we were, friends hugging, smiling, encouraging, understanding and laughing.  So very happy to be together.

Then I thought about you, my friends here, who take the time to visit, read and comment.  

The truth is of course, I couldn't do this without you and wouldn't want to - so here is a hug, a smile and a thank you.

While I may share many a DIY with you - we are in this together.

xx Kelly xx

p.s. you can find these lovely handmade hearts here.  And read about the shop owner here.


Drought Tolerant Plants - 101 Guide


Floral Design - step by step