Walk with me one last time
Will you do something for me?
Take a walk with me through my house.
Just one more time.
Even though it is now empty, it still holds a lot for me.
A lot of memories.
A lot of fun.
A lot of love.
Under this roof and between these walls our days were well spent.
The girls played, had birthday parties, dressed for Halloween (me too, it seems)…
opened Christmas gifts...
left notes for the tooth fairy...
and too quickly turned into teenagers.
Under this roof and between these walls, we took chances, brave things were done and we found we had room in our hearts for a furry family member.
When I think back, it won't be the arches, the wide planked floors and the other the architectural details, I will remember so fondly, it will be the smiles, hugs and love we shared here.
I am taking all that with me, so why look back…well, it just helps a little, doesn't it?
Walking through with you has helped the close this chapter.
I am SO excited to start writing the next…
And the new chapter begins now ~ the movers just pulled up!
Our stuff will be on its way...
the love is already there.
xx Kelly xx