American Made Crocks - Farmhouse Style


Look what I stumbled upon!

Daisies in crocks

Just sitting there on the lawn…not the flowers.  These...!

American made crocks

A whole lot a' history & FARMHOUSE style.

Daisies in crocks

  Do you collect crocks?

I had just one until I came upon this stash.  Now I have 3.

history of crocks

I couldn't take them all!

Now that I have a collection I wanted to know more about their history & markings.  Let me share what I learned...


History of American Stoneware Crocks

Crocks have been made since the way back.

It is said they were'invented' or better said, first designed in France. FRENCH COUNTRY style too!!

American crocks history

From Colonial times until the mid 1900's American potters produced these utilitarian crocks.  They were used to store butter, pickles & even moonshine.

The markings identify the pottery company and the number denotes the capacity it can hold.

Redwing crocks

The crocks I own were made by American potters - Red Wing Pottery, Robinson Ransbottom Blue Crown and Western Stoneware.

My favorite marking is that of Robinson Ransbottom - the cobalt blue crown.  Hence, their nickname - Crown Pottery.

Crown Pottery crocks

Red Wing of Minnesota's red wing is also a favorite.  I use my #3 Red Wing to store extra tp in the powder room.  9 rolls fit snuggly inside.

This Western one I couldn't leave behind.  

All it needs is some sprucing up. Somebody must have accidentally sprayed it with paint.  Scrubbing & some polish remover is solving that problem.

Repairing crocks

These crocks are usually well worn, but we like that.  

After all, they were used everyday for very practical things like storing butter & booze. A crack or chip here or there only serves to make them more appealing.  In my humble opinion.  Yours too I bet!

Removing paint from crocks

For such a plain homespun piece of American history, I could think of nothing better than daisies to compliment it.

American crocks farmhouse style

Do you own any crocks?  

If so, what do you use them for?

** Kelly **


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