Getting to know you...and me!



We are here together at My Soulful Home so let's get to know each other better.

While projects, recipes, DIYs and such unite us in common interests, knowing the little things about each other will seal our friendship.  Making all the creating, stirring, designing & more fun.  


So here is the 'crash course', 'cliff notes', 'speed dating' run down on me in no particular order:

  • I like old things better than new (except for shoes, I really like new shoes);
  • I am an only child;
  • I am Ava & Lara's proud mom;
  • I get car sick unless I drive;
  • I am blessed with many girl friends that I cherish;
  • I wish I were taller;
  • I am bossy ( or a 'leader' ~ your call );
  • I want to teach my girls kindness above all;
  • I can make people laugh;
  • I like the smell of garden dirt;
  • I am more forgiving of myself & others than I used to be;
  • I love the beach;
  • I am willing to take a chance;
  • I like slow foreign movies;
  • I met my husband of 23 years in a cheesy bar;
  • I drink tea;
  • I have a thing for chairs;
  • I feel like I am 25, ok, maybe 28...but I am not;
  • I have climbed the tallest mountain in the contiguous U.S.;
  • I like wine (ok, I like wine a lot);
  • I don't like wires;
  • I like to work hard;
  • I thought I would like blogging, but I love blogging.

Still wanna stick around I hope!  

Do share something about YOU in a comment.  I would like to know more about you all too!  I bet we have a lot in common.

** Kelly **  


Garden Tour, let's have a look around before it changes again


Careful Embrace - Succulents