How to Paint Burlap - and create wall art


We love it.It is so plain, humble & sometimes even a bit smelly, but we love it...Burlap ~ "the fabric of our lives" in DIY-land.How to paint burlap-www.mysoulfulhome.comIt is everywhere & we have done pretty much everything with it.Now we're gonna paint it!It is easy and if you follow my tips you'll have a lovely textured work of art for the wall in no time.How to paint burlap-www.mysoulfulhome.comI am making mine for Lara's gallery wall in her 'new' room.How to paint burlap-www.mysoulfulhome.comThe new furniture arrangement gives twice as much wall space for her growing collection of vintage & handmade treasures.  I hope to add this piece to that collection if she likes it.Materials:

  • piece of burlap ironed IF necessary
  • a frame
  • a stapler
  • paint
  • a small/medium paint brush
  • something special to go in the frame on top of the burlap  (I used a wooden letter)


  • cut burlap to fit frame
  • staple the edge of the burlap (don't glue) to back of the frame or a piece of cardboard measured to fit
  • paint burlap with light feathery strokes with minimal paint on your brush
  • paint up & down and side to side evenly

How to paint

  • if you get blotches dab with a paper towel & continue feathery strokes to even out the paint
  • you want to see some of the natural burlap awash in your paint with all the nubby goodness showing through, so don't cheat & spray paint!

How to paint

  • let burlap dry
  • insert painted burlap into the frame
  • add your special something to the center of the frame

How to paint

  • finish off the back if you want ( totally optional ~ I won't tell if you don't! )

How to paint

  • let dry, hang & admire!

My frame was from a yard sale, the burlap a remnant from another project, the paint, left over and the letter from Michael's was under a dollar.  So this project cost less than $5 for sure...and took under an hour.How to paint burlap-www.mysoulfulhome.comNow that is my kind of DIY - and best of all….Lara loves it!So you have seen the colors & fabrics…oh, and the rug & the duvet…and the pillow I made last week.  Now this wall art and some of her vintage treasures, so stay tuned.  There is so much more we are planning and then…tab dah...the room reveal!How to paint burlap-www.mysoulfulhome.comStick with me so much more to come from MSH...** Kelly **


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