Tulips 101- planting, growing, enjoying


Sometimes plans change.

I planned to share something else with you today.

Then I popped a pic on IG with a quick tip.  It got a bit of a reaction and my plans changed.

Give the people what they want - seems everyone wants to talk tulips!

Want to know the tip that turned my day around?  Read on...

 Tulips 101 advice, tips on planting, growing and enjoying http://mysoulfulhome.com

Tulips 101 - planting, growing, enjoying

Planting Tulips

Tulips are grown from bulbs.  They are planted in the Fall and blossom in the Spring.

Cold winters & dry summers are the ticket for healthy happy tulips.

They prefer full sun, sandy soil & little moisture.

Tulips 101 planting, growing & enjoying advice & tips http://mysoulfulhome.com

Dig holes, or a trench 8 inches deep, spacing the bulbs 4 - 6 inches apart. Plant tips up, cover, pat & water.

After the initial water do not water again.

The bulbs are perennials, coming back year after year in colder climates.

Where it gets cold plant the bulbs 6 weeks before the hard frost.  If treating them as perennials feed when you plant.

In warmer climates tulip bulbs need to be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks before planting to give them the cold snap they need.  Then plant when it is below 60 degrees.

Plant lots & lots of tulips in the Fall, so you have plenty for Spring bouquets. 

Tulips 101 planting, growing & enjoying advice & tips http://mysoulfulhome.com

Growing Tulips

Like most bulbs if planted correctly tulips will , well, …just grow! See how easy that is !

Once the flowers have faded deadhead.

Let the foliage yellow for about 6 weeks after the flower has faded.  Then you can clear it away.

Water sparingly throughout the growing season.  Tulips dislike too much moisture.

If you live where it is cold just leave the tulips in the garden.  

In warmer climates you can dig up the bulbs & store in a cool dry place until a few weeks before planting.  At that time pop them back in the fridge until temps are below 60, then plant.  Or just start again with new bulbs in the Fall.

Tulips 101 planting, growing & enjoying advice & tips http://mysoulfulhome.com

Enjoying Tulips Indoors 

Tulips are a perfect cut flower.

To have your bouquets look their best & last longer follow my tips:

  • re cut the stems under water & place immediately in cool water - not ice water
  • cut the stem on a diagonal so more of the opening is exposed to the water
  • don't mix with daffodils or other narcissus flowers, as they give off a sap tulips dislike
  • rotate your vase if it is near light

Tulips 101 planting, growing & enjoying advice & tips http://mysoulfulhome.com

Here's the tip people liked on Instagram...

  • pierce through each stem with a pin at the top close to the petals


To make your tulips stand up straight.  

You see, tulips have hollow stems so when you plunge the stems in water an air bubble forms & blocks the water from getting to the flower.  

Piercing a hole through the stem at the top releases the air allowing the water to get to the flower.  

Tulips 101 planting, growing & enjoying advice & tips http://mysoulfulhome.com

Tulips are extraordinary cut flowers in that they continue to grow once cut.  Up to an inch or more! 

They are also, "phototropic".  This means they bend toward the light.  Hence, rotate your vase.

I think I am phototropic too, are you?

** Kelly **


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